Thiis is a special post specially to my best friend!!^^
So you thiink euu are somethiing?
Oh yeah~
Somethiing indeed...
Toilet bowl or toothbrush?
I thiink more to the toilet bowl!
I am now reflectiing on myself,
Reflectiing why in the first place ii should had known euu?
Happy now?
Even my dad and mom dun call me to do stupid reflectiion
Who are euu to call me to reflect? are euu my ancestors or my toilet bowl? If not, then jolly well shut-up!
Euu b-i-t-c-h-y ass-hole!
ii really pity euu...
thiinking that everyone is standing on ur side?
Euur wrong~
ii merely called someone to act in front of you and euu fall into the trap! Telling him/her everythiing, the moment him/her came and report to miie, hahas, ii know what euu are thinking!
Just one small advice,
Beware of people around you silly, dun even know who is truthful to you, who is not! Hahasss...
Is this dumb or what?
If ii need to reflect,
ii thiink euu need to reflect more!
Reflect on how euu disregard ur name,
Reflect how euu disregard ur arse...
More than half of the class is on the verge to have war with euu and euu still thiink euu are that “popular”><”
Oh my god!
Is this a joke or what?
ii thiink ii would have to make a trip to mediacorp to buy a medal from them and present it to you, {the most attractive actor} or {the most annoying faker}!
You should be glad that ii didn’t write down ur name
Coz almost everyone who had visited my blog is dyiing to know who that VIP is...
Perhaps some of them had already know!
Some people ask me,
Who is that person
So important!
That ii everytime mentiion euu in my blog~
But sometiimes
ii am just feeliing that glad coz
when euu didn’t wriite euur name down
ii had a sense of gladness
ii am scared that my peeps will all dirty their eyes after they saw ur name!
Labels: B-I-T-C-H